Stay away from this tittle, developers somehow managed to copy civ5 mechanics and create an uninteresting game to play. It makes you wonder if there will be any normal AI opponents in next civilization installment or only asymmetrical enemies like aliens in this game. Home Exclusive Games Genres ActionAdventureCasualEarly AccessIndieRPGSimulationStrategy Sid Meiers Civilization Beyond Earth Rising Tide Addon Size: 3. Download the game instantly and play without installing. The funny thing is that devs didn't invest any resources in AI development instead they brought aliens as a nation which has unlimited resources and units to compete with player. Sid Meiers Civilization Beyond Earth Rising Tide Addon Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link. It can be somewhat compensated by huge bonuses on high difficulties, but it's never fun to play asymmetrical game. As in Civ 5, AI is just plainly stupid, non competitive. After some initial challenge with aliens you just stop caring, and pray for game to end, or just stop playing. I have 6 cities, should i build another one? Nah more micro every turn, besides it doesn't matter, because with every city techs cost more, also virtues cost more. Another turn oh i guess i'll build another +1 food building with generic name, oh i guess i agree to new worthless diplomatic treaty. The gameplay is slightly improved with this expansion, but remains generic, boring, without sense of progression, and devoid of any attachment to the colony or you neighbors. The gameplay is slightly improved with this expansion, but Do not trust the reviews, it's mediocre 4x game, with unbelievably bad AI. Do not trust the reviews, it's mediocre 4x game, with unbelievably bad AI.